Driving web traffic through social networking

Why You Need To Spend More Time On Social Networking

What if you could spend less time writing content and still drive web traffic and generate leads?

Oh. Wait. You can….and I do!

Social Networking: Lead Generation Without Content

I spend the majority of my time actively networking, not posting and sitting on my ass hoping my content is seen. I follow specific people and pages. I interact, support and add value. That simply activity, which is easy and honestly, fun, is what YOU should be doing and what I  have found to be the BEST way to leverage my time on social media.


One of those I follow is my friend (and one of my influencers) Debra Jason. We met on social media through a mutual friend. While we have yet to meet in person, we have spent a good deal of time networking together and supporting each other.

I am always reading her content (it is that good). She recently shared a post from her website, The Write Direction. As a standard practice I commented on the post itself and to further support her, also took the time to add a comment directly on the blog post itself.


The result of networking and interacting with Debra:

  • I saw her social share of the post.
  • I added a valuable comment on social and the blog post itself
  • One of her blog readers saw my comment.


Apparently, the comment made an impression. Not only did they track back to my post (Want Results From Facebook? Stop Sitting On Your Ass!), they filled out my lead capture form to sign up to receive my content in their inbox!


Lead generation through social networking, not content.


A perfect example of driving web traffic and lead generation WITHOUT content.

I’ll add this is not an isolated example of driving web traffic from social networking. There is this one:


Value of commenting on a blog post found through social networking


And this one:


Driving web traffic through social networking


Social networking is how I have been able to leverage social media effectively to build my brands since 2007, and it’s proven to remain highly effective through all of the algorithm changes.

A single value-added comment might just be worth far more than any piece of content you post.


Consider spending less time on your content and more on being active, visible and engaged.Click To Tweet
19 replies
  1. John Locke
    John Locke says:

    Glad to hear someone say this, Robert. I have actually gotten work from leaving thoughtful comments on someone else’s blog before. This is a form of content in itself.

    To make this work for you, it has to add something to the discussion, but your comments help articulate who you are, and your opinions on digital marketing (or whatever else the subject matter is).

    Comments also help you be seen by other people that are reading industry blogs. When they see your name enough times, it will become familiar to them, and they will associate you with that particular community.

    All of this is a very long game, but it pays dividends in the end.

    • Robert Nissenbaum
      Robert Nissenbaum says:

      It’s very interesting John. Better bloggers know the tactic well and it’s exactly as you state – a very long game that requires value-added comments (content) helping get you noticed and showcasing your expertise.

      I teach the same tactic for commenting on social media posts (as yourself and your brand depending on the circumstance) There’s an article somewhere here on it! It works the same way and helps drive traffic back your pages and profiles the way blog comments do to your website.

      The end result is the same – business.


  2. Adam Fout
    Adam Fout says:

    I think there’s a core of truth here in your post — posting constantly is simple and easy, but interacting and being social takes work. It’s so, SO easy to just go around shitposting and assume everyone will just flock to you — and it’s just as easy to build up a bit of an audience and get lazy. Following other people, commenting, and helping them out is tough — posting your own crap all day is the easy way out (and it doesn’t work!)

    • Robert Nissenbaum
      Robert Nissenbaum says:

      Interesting and we need to discuss this more! Shit posting is easier and takes less time but is totally worthless. Writing quality content take plenty of time and isn’t always easy. I’ve found, while it can take longer, the social aspect of commenting (which serves the same role as traditional content when done right) more fun and easier.

      • adamfout2
        adamfout2 says:

        I agree, it can be a lot easier in certain situations — and it’s certainly less time consuming. However, sometimes you’re just throwing a comment on there and not really adding any value (though maybe you’re helping the person get more traction on their post).

        • Robert Nissenbaum
          Robert Nissenbaum says:

          You may be helping others get a little traction but at the same time you can be making yourself look foolish. It’s sort of like your saying I have nothing important to say but I want to be part of the conversation. I think social networking when done right takes more time than posting BUT it also pays bigger dividends.

      • Adam Fout
        Adam Fout says:

        Exactly — and this is such a tough thing to do sometimes! I’ve been caught in the “Post Content Go Home” mentality for a month or two now — trying to get back on the horse and talk to my friends (instead of talking at them!)

  3. Clement Lim
    Clement Lim says:

    Thanks for sharing this mini case study Robert. It’s a great demonstration of the power of social networking done well. I’ve certainly noticed you being active, visible and engaged around the web. I definitely should get out more (digitally).


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